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Sources: Wikipedia
Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant Panzer VI E Tiger I Tiger Tiger
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight 56,900kg 25000kg 56900kg
Crew 5
Capacity (passengers, vehicles, etc.)
Max speed 38km/h (10.6m/s)
Transmission 4 forward, 1 reverse 4 forward, 1 reverse
Engine performance
Range 110-195km Unlimited Unlimited
Steering/Turning 7m radius
Fording depth
Vertical obstacle
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}

Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant 1× 88mm KwK 36 L/56
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight {{{rweight}}} {{{bfweight}}} {{{bfrweight}}}
Features/settings {{{rfeature}}} {{{bffeature}}} {{{bfrfeature}}}
Ammunition capacity 92 30 92
Ammunition weight 7.65kg (HEAT round)
Rate of fire 0.25rps (15rpm) 0.25rps (15rpm)
Muzzle velocity 600m/s (HEAT round) 100m/s 600m/s
Recoil 90 force, 10 speed, 10 size 90 force, 10 speed, 10 size
Firing range
Tracer range/time
Elevation range 15° up to 8° down 20° up to 5° down 15° up to 8° down
Elevation rate manual
Traverse range 360° 360° 360°
Traverse rate 6°/sec (manual and hydraulic)
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}

Real life BF1942 BF1942: WWII Reality (current)
Variant 2× 7.92mm Maschinengewehr 34 (coaxial and forward right, maybe w/iron sights)
Dimensions {{{rdimension}}} {{{bfdimension}}} {{{bfrdimension}}}
Weight {{{rweight}}} {{{bfweight}}} {{{bfrweight}}}
Features/settings {{{rfeature}}} {{{bffeature}}} {{{bfrfeature}}}
Ammunition capacity 4800
Ammunition weight
Rate of fire 800-900rpm (13.33-15rps)
Muzzle velocity 755m/s
Firing range
Tracer range/time
Elevation range 15° up to 8° down for coaxial; 20° up to 10° down for forward right gun
Elevation rate manual for coaxial
Traverse range 360° for coaxial; 15° left to 15° right for forward right
Traverse rate 6°/sec (manual and hydraulic) for coaxial; manual for forward right gun
Notes {{{rnotes}}} {{{bfnotes}}} {{{bfrnotes}}}